The Joy of Audio Books

The Joy of Audio Books

In the realm of education, there's a powerful tool that often goes unnoticed – "ear reading." What does this term mean? It's the simple act of listening to audiobooks! Not only are audiobooks enjoyable, but they also play a crucial role in enhancing reading skills, making them an excellent option for learners of all ages. In this guide, we'll explore the joy that audiobooks can bring to readers, especially those facing challenges like dyslexia or reading difficulties.

Bridging the Gap in Reading Development

Audio books allow kids who are behind in their reading development to enjoy age and grade level appropriate texts. Even if they cannot "eye-read" the book independently yet, they can enjoy listening to it. This helps them develop a love of reading, even though it is hard for them. Audio books can be used as an accommodation at school for text books or class novels; however, they can be equally powerful if used at home to get kids hooked on stories and reading!

Boosting Vocabulary with Audiobooks

One of the remarkable benefits of audiobooks is their contribution to vocabulary growth, background knowledge, and a deep appreciation for literature. Often, struggling readers find little joy in reading, leading to a lack of exposure to new words and worlds. This phenomenon is known as the "Matthew effect," where avid readers continually benefit, while reluctant readers miss out. Audiobooks break this cycle, allowing all children to reap the rewards of a broader reading experience.

Practical Tips for "Ear Reading"

Listening to audiobooks doesn't mean your child has to be stationary with their eyes glued to a page. They can simply listen or choose to follow along in the book. While there's no specific advantage to tracking the story visually, some children may find it helpful in maintaining focus. For those who fidget, try engaging activities like folding laundry, playing with Legos, or even taking the family dog for a walk. The possibilities are as vast as the world of stories waiting to be explored.

Where to Find Your Next Audio Adventure

Where can you find good audio books for your kids? There are several options to consider. You can purchase audio books from a source such as Audible. Most public libraries have free options that allow you to check out audiobooks and download them to your devices. Finally, there are two providers just for kids with printed-based learning disabilities: BookShare and LearningAlly. Read Write can assist in qualifying any of our students for one or both of these services.

In conclusion, the world of audiobooks opens up a universe of possibilities for readers of all ages, particularly those facing challenges in traditional reading methods. By embracing "ear reading," we not only break down barriers but also nurture a lifelong love for stories, words, and the boundless worlds they unlock. So, go ahead, explore the joy of audio books, and let the adventure begin!